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Wilmer Brickley


Date and Place of Birth: November 19, 1890 Nicktown, PA
Date and Place of Death:    October 31, 1918 Curtiss Flying School in Miami, FL
Baseball Experience: Minor League
Position: Piitcher
Rank: Sergeant
Military Unit: US Marine Corps
Area Served: United States

Wilmer H. Brickley was born on November 19, 1890 in Nicktown, Pennsylvania. He attended Indiana Normal prep school from 1910 to 1913, before signing with the independent Federal League’s Pittsburgh Filipinos. Brickley pitched in seven games for the Fils, starting five of them and posting a 1-3 record.

1913 was his only year in professional baseball. As the Federal League went on to gain notoriety as an outlawed third major league, Brickley, who turned down offers to continue playing professional baseball, returned to Indiana Normal where he pitched and captained the baseball team in 1914. In 1915, he pitched for a team in Rossiter, Pennsylvania, before entering Duquesne University, where he studied law for two years and played baseball and football. He was named captain of the 1918 baseball team, but the team never played a game due to wartime restrictions.

In June 1918, Brickley left Duquesne to serve his country. He volunteered for the Marine Corps to become a seaplane pilot and studied at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, before taking flying lessons at Curtiss Flying School in Miami, Florida. Brickley was killed when the plane he was flying caught fire in mid-air and crashed on October 31, 1918.

He was 27 years old and is buried at St. Nicholas Cemetery in Nicktown, Pennsylvania.

Brickley’s batterymate at Indiana Normal, Clifford K. Morrow, became a lieutenant in the US Army Air Service and was also killed in a flying accident just a month later on November 11, 1918. Morrow was putting on a flying exhibition over Detroit to celebrate the armistice, when his plane crashed into a building.













1913 Pittsburgh Federal League Ind. 7 38 - 6 12 1 3 -


Wilmer Brickley

Wilmer Brickley

Thanks to Jack Morris for bringing Wilmer Brickley to my attention.

Date Added
July 3, 2024


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